Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22nd. This day is used to spread environmental awareness and show support for environmental protection. The Earth and its natural resources are important to allowing all living organism, from plants to humans, to thrive in the world. However, the environment isn't going to protect itself. We must take action to make sure Earth is in a clean and healthy state. Since Earth Day was launched in 1970 there has been progress with legal acts being put in place to support environmental safety. Let’s celebrate this Earth Day by getting the entire family involved.
Just like all good habits if you start young it is more likely these habits will last a lifetime. Children are the future, so teaching kids to go green is investing in the longevity of Earth. Going green simply means implementing certain lifestyle changes designed to help you live in a more eco-friendly way. It means becoming more environmentally aware and changing your behavior and lifestyle to reduce the amount of pollution and waste you generate.
Here are 5 easy ways for kids to “Go Green”:
Never Let the Water Run: Teach kids that they should never let water run. For example while brushing teeth you should only run the water when necessary, not the entire 2 minutes you are brushing your teeth.
Recycle or Reuse: Recycle paper, plastics, glass and metal. You can do this easily by creating dedicated bins within your household labeled for each material.
Don’t be a Liter Bug: Teach kids the importance of not littering the streets with trash, also getting your child involved in community projects promoting cleaning up public areas like parks is a great way to support good going green habits.
Turn it Off and Unplug: Even when electronics and appliances are turned off, they still consume energy if plugged in the electrical outlet. Conserve energy by children to unplug their game systems, computers, chargers, or audio equipment. Also, turn off lights and TVs once exiting a room.
Get a Green Thumb: Get in the backyard and try planting and growing your own garden. Grow your own flowers, or take it a notch up and even grow you own vegetables.